Tack heeI seat and micro-tack sides lasting machine Molina mod. Mark 6
MARK 6PX is a heeI seat and sides lasting machine which; combined with a pulling over and lasting machine, realizes
the complete iasting of man and lady footwear with
any heeI height.
Absolutely new in concept and working technique it was the first italian machine to last the heeI seat by tacks and simultaneously the sides by microtacks in order to guarantee speed, reliability and precision of executíon. MARK 6PX uses a programmabie microprocessor for memorising 61 different programs for as many types of footwear with a set of parameters that can be stated to optimize the execution of the last size do not
require any manual adjustment:
the operator must simply select on the keyboard-control the program corresponding to the model and last number. The computer processes the previously entered and memorized data for that model and adjusts:
-position and distance of the micro-tacks on the sides
-differentiated pulling of the upper in the part of the sides
-positioning of the last-holding unit in relation to the heeI seat tacking plate
-positioning of the tacks on the heeI seat for right or left
-position of the hand unit for blocking the shoe, according to the heeI height. model being lasted.